Anyway Aidan had his heart set on Moon Sand, this weird sandy shit that is somehow mold- able and also easy-to-get-all-over-the- carpet, so we got that crazy crap for him. I did my usual jaunt around the boy's section of Toys R Us to see if they had Creepy Crawlers, because they had them at Christmas and then I never saw them again-- and LO! they had them in all their squirmy wormy easy bake glory! So Jinx bought them for me as a class- ending gift.
I n ever had Creepy Crawlers as a kid. There's a lot of toys I never had, which I'll explore later on when I'm not freaking excited, but Creepy Crawlers are one of the toys I was denied because it was a "boy" toy and I was-- and still am-- a girl. So I laugh at my parents now, 20 years later. Victory is mine!
Jinx told me that when he was younger his older brother-- we'll call him "Joe", coz thats his name-- has Creepy Crawlers but Jinx wasn't allowed to play with them because they had METAL plates that can burn you when you remove them from the hot hot h eat. WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING! METAL PLATES! HOW'S YOUR NINTH DEGREE BURNS!!!!!! I googled this and sure as shit there they were-- a plate from 1965 of creepy crawler metal molds. DUMBASSES.
I'll update later with a picture of my creations. Fpr now enjoy these google searched images.

i can just smell the burnt flesh now!
Sounds like a lot of fun.